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MICROSOFT Core CALClient Access LIC All Lng License/SA Academic 1 License NL Platform UTD Student Device CA

Forsiden Programvare Microsoft Lisenser MICROSOFT Core CALClient Access LIC All Lng License/SA Academic 1 License NL Platform UTD Student Device CA
MICROSOFT Core CALClient Access LIC All Lng License/ SA Academic  1 License NL Platform UTD Student Device CA (W06-01856)

MICROSOFT Core CALClient Access LIC All Lng License/SA Academic 1 License NL Platform UTD Student Device CA

20,- inkl. mva
Forventet på lager 11.02.2025

Microsoft offers two Client Access License (CAL) Suites, the Microsoft Core CAL Suite and the Microsoft Enterprise CAL Suite, which provide access rights to a number of server products and online services. The Enterprise CAL Suite includes all of the components of the Core CAL Suite. This means customers interested in the components unique to the Enterprise CAL Suite do not need to license both the Core CAL Suite and the Enterprise CAL Suite. Customers can acquire the Enterprise CAL Suite upfront or as a step-up from the Core CAL Suite.

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